Znake Xenzia

Znake Xenzia is a modern take on the classic Snake game, developed using Unity. The game features intuitive player-controlled movement and engaging food collection mechanics to grow the snake. Players can control the snake using arrow keys or W, A, S, D, with additional functionality for play, pause, and restart via buttons and the spacebar. The game includes a dynamic score display and customizable settings such as initial speed, speed multiplier, initial snake size, and wall collision behavior. Developed and tested using Unity Hub and Unity Editor 2022.3.23f1, Znake Xenzia offers a fun and challenging gameplay experience across multiple platforms, including PC, Mac, Linux, and WebGL.

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The Snake Game is a timeless arcade classic where players control a snake that grows longer each time it eats food. The objective is to grow the snake as long as possible without colliding with the walls or itself. This version of the game is developed in Unity and offers smooth controls, customizable settings, and engaging gameplay.

Technology Stack

Game Engine

  • Unity: A cross-platform game engine for creating interactive experiences.

Programming Language

  • C#: Used for scripting game mechanics and behaviors.

User Interface

  • Unity UI: For creating interactive and responsive UI elements.

Detailed Features and Flow


  • Snake Movement: The snake moves in a grid pattern, responding to player input (WASD or arrow keys).
  • Food Consumption: The snake grows longer and the score increases each time it consumes food.
  • Collision Detection: The game ends if the snake collides with itself or a wall.
  • Wall Traversal: Option to allow the snake to move through walls and appear on the opposite side.


  • Play: Starts or resumes the game.
  • Pause: Pauses the game, freezing all movements and actions.
  • Restart: Resets the game, bringing the snake back to its initial state.
  • Space Bar: Press the space bar to start or pause the game.
  • Direction: Use arrow keys or W, A, S, D to control the snake's movement.

Score Management

  • Score Display: The current score is displayed on the screen, updating dynamically as the snake eats food.

User Interface

User-friendly Interface

  • Clean and intuitive interface for easy navigation and control.

GitHub Repository

Leader Board

Go ahead and play the game and send me a screenshot of your highscore at [email protected], I will display top 3 here!