
Empowering users to build, train, and evaluate machine learning models with ease.

Try Insight ML Live App


The Machine Learning App is designed to provide a user-friendly interface for uploading data, selecting machine learning algorithms, training models, and evaluating their performance. I am planning to add more features for supervised and unsupervised classification and include scikit-learn preprocessing methods, this project is still in development phase

Technology Stack

  • Python: Programming language for backend logic.
  • Streamlit: Web application framework for data apps.
  • Scikit-learn: Machine learning library for Python.
  • Pandas: Data manipulation library for Python.


Data Handling

  • Upload CSV: Upload datasets in CSV format for analysis and modeling.
  • Missing Values Handling: Options to ignore or fill missing values.

Model Selection and Training

  • Select Columns: Choose columns for modeling.
  • Select Target: Choose the target variable for prediction.
  • Algorithm Selection: Choose from various classification and regression algorithms.
  • Parameter Tuning: Manually set or auto-tune parameters.

Model Evaluation

  • Train-Test Split: Options for random or shuffled split of data.
  • Performance Metrics: Display accuracy, RMSE, and confusion matrix.


  • Perform cross-validation and display average scores.

User Interface

Responsive Design

  • The application features a responsive design ensuring usability across various devices.

User-friendly Interface

  • Clean and intuitive interface for easy navigation and model building.

GitHub Repository